
War // Crimes

Sept 15th, 2007, the A.N.S.W.E.R Coalition stages a march on Washington D.C. The day started out behind the White House, and many separate groups came to feed the anti-war juggernaut prepared to make the mile march to the Capitol. It was agonizing to see the men and woman who were parents of those overseas, or those who had survived, and those who had grown up in a time of war, probably parenting a soldier and surviving a husband.
I stepped into the day wearing a coat of neutrality. There were spectators from both sides of the political fight, and ironically those who had come to SUPPORT the war were vehement and angry and nasty to those who were seeking the peaceful retreat. Another eye-opener was the amount of youth that were there- many of whom were no older than 15, some 18, but none the less a shocking number of youth who are active in the politics of our day. It was reassuring. You hear so often that life is wasted on the youth, and I don’t believe this generation plans on doing any of the wasting.
There has been for some time, in my opinion, a renaissance of sorts in the art world- not necessarily in the art itself, but in the sheer amount of those who consider themselves 'artist', and seek refuge by painting or writing or photographing their own reality. I was excited to see that this renaissance also echoes the sixties in political concern as well. Passion hasn't existed in large quantities in the United States for a long time, partly due I believe to commercialism, but mostly due to complacency. I wouldn't wish the war on anyone- friend or foe- but I do believe that the ‘awakening’ that has resulted from it will benefit us all- artistically and politically- for a long time to follow.

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